bughouse db navigator

Find User:


  1. How is this info collected?
  2. What is this server running on?
  3. Who all helped out on this site?
  4. How are speed statistics calculated?
  5. What is affinity?
  6. What is owns/owned?
  7. What is abort percentage?
  8. What is playing up/even/down?
  9. What is partnering up/even/down?
  10. What are M: and L: numbers?
  11. Where did the online viewer come from?
  12. Bugs?
How is this info collected?

A Java bot (newbugbottwo(U)) logs into FICS and observes all non-private bughouse games. It logs the moves, times, lag times, kibitzes, and whispers of each of these games. It stores it all in a large (10+ GB) MySQL database. This site turns that data into something actually useful :)

What is this server running on?

Windows Web Server 2008 R2 - 64 bit (Virtualized using Microsoft Hyper-V Server R2)
HP Compaq Desktop
AMD® Athlon™ Dual Core Processor 4450e 2.30GHz
This virtual machine is sharing resources between ChannelBot(TD), Knightsmasher(C), and newbugbottwo(U).

Who all helped out on this site?

Thanks to JamesBaud for writing the original bugbot.
My bugbot is a small subset of his. (This site is using a new database  design, so I had to rewrite a large part of his bot.)
Thanks to Ludens for giving me links to data backups for  bughouse-db.org, and for permission to rewrite bughouse-db.org in the first place.
Thanks to Aramen for sending me the website and bot code.
Thanks to fermy for writing the origional JavaScript online game  viewer.
Thanks to CDay, HungerStrike, Aramen, and wmahan for providing comments on the  database structure and design.
Thanks to CDay for teaching me about JavaScript function pointers and introducing me to jQuery.
Thanks to FigureOfLife for making me sit down and figure out why affinity wasn't working.
Thanks to SKAcz for helping with bughouse engine integration for automatic game analysis.
Thanks to OUTRUNYOU for generously donating a domain name (bughousedb.com) and donating financially.
Thanks to wmahan for introducing me to gzipping HTML.
Thanks to WhoAmI for everything! The entire game of online bughouse has him to thank!
Thanks to a countless number of people who have financially supported the operation and development of this website.
Thanks to everyone else that I forgot to mention. I don't know who  wrote the origional website.

How are speed statistics calculated?

Premoves are moves that are made in less than 0.2 sec.
Fastmoves are moves that are made in more than 0.2 sec but less than 1.1 sec.
Slowmoves are moves that are made in more than 1.2 but less than 7 sec.
Sits are moves that are made in more than 7 sec.

What is affinity?

Affinity compares your performance rating with your actual rating, based on who your partner is. A positive number means you perform beyond expectations with them, and a negative number indicates you've done worse than expected with this partner. The number listed is not the raw affinity, but a True Bayesian Estimate. This basically pushes numbers towards zero, but pushes less as you accumulate more games. This avoids 1-0 partnerships dominating a list, etc.

What is owns/owned?

This is actually calculated like affinity. It pays attention to who your opponent is instead of your partner, but it works the same. It also uses a True Bayesian Estimate system to normalize the numbers a bit.

What is abort percentage?

This is the percentage of your games in the database that are either aborts or adjourns.

What is playing up/even/down?
Playing up means playing a team rated 100 points higher than yours, per player. Playing down is playing a team more than 100 points weaker than yours. Playing even would be the games where your opponents are within 100 points. The number is essentially your affinity against this type of opponent.

What is partnering up/even/down?

Partnering up means partnering a player over 100 points higher than yourself. Partnering down would be partnering a player over 100 points weaker than yourself. Partnering even would be partnering a player of similar rating. The numbers are your affinities with these types of partners.

What are M: and L: numbers?

The M: number is the total number of half-moves in the game. If both games were on move 25 when it ended, that would be somewhere around M: 100. (50 half moves * 2 games). L is the average lag per half-move in the game, in milliseconds. L: 250 means there was about 1/4 second of lag per half-move.

Where did the online viewer come from?

fermy created it.

  1. They are definitely there, but I haven't yet taken  the time to document them here.