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Database Statistics

Number of games in the database that have been unrated: 47916
Number of games in the database that have been rated: 1878996

Number of games recorded total: 649
Number of games recorded in the last year: 39
Number of games recorded in the last month: 0
Number of games recorded in the last week: 0
Number of games recorded in the last day: 0
Number of games recorded in the last hour: 0

Start date of the first game in the database: 2010-07-25 22:10:47

There have been 173904014 moves total. Refresh
There is an average of 90 half moves per game.
There is an average of 580 games per day.

Out of 5202 days, the database has 3322 days of games. (63.86% uptime)

num games starting time
(in minutes)
28961 0
92356 1
1751821 2
37125 3
305 4
4367 5
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